Sunday, August 18, 2019

Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression is a process that uses multiple explanatory variables to predict the outcome of a response variable. The purpose of Multiple Linear Regression is to model the linear relationship between multiple variables and the response variable.
This is also an extension of Linear Regression that involves more than one independent variables.

The Formula for Multiple Linear Regression is : Yi  = β0 + β1x1 +  β2x2 + … + βnxn + ϵ

Multiple linear regression model with n independent variables and one dependent variable Y.

Yi <- the dependent variable and
X1, X2, X3 ….., Xn <- independent variables / model parameters / explanatory variables
β0 <-  is a constant or Intercept of the slope and
ϵ  =  the error ( residuals )
As explained earlier, multiple regression model extends to several explanatory variables. A simple linear regression is used to make predictions about one variable based on the information that is known about another variable.  here. However, multiple Linear Regression model is extended to predict using  the information that is known about multiple variables.

The basic purpose of the least-square regression is to fit a hyper-plane into ( n+1 ) dimension that minimizes the SSE.
SSE <- Sum of Squares of Residual errors ( SSE ) ∑( Yi − Yihat ) ^2  where Yihat is the predicted value
SSR <- is the Sum of Squares due to Regression ∑( Yihat − Yiµ ) ^2 where Yiµ is the mean value of data
SST <- Total Sum of Squared deviations in Yi from its mean Yihat


R-Squared : The coefficient of determination ( R-Squared ) is a square of the correlation co-efficient between dependent variable Y and the fitted values Yhat 
Correlation coefficient between response variable & Predictor variables

Generally,    R-Squared = SSR / SST  . Substituting the above formula for SSR = SST - SSE

R-Squared Formula becomes  1 - SSE / SST

Taking an example of 50-startups data. We will be predicting the profit of the companies located in different locations.
We will also see which variable is highly correlated with the response variable.

Steps to predict using Multiple Linear regression
  1. After importing the datafile
  2. Validate the data, look at the categorical variable
  3. apply OneHotEncoding feature to categorical variables. I will explain how this works in a separate blog.
  4. Split the dataset into Train and Test set
  5. Fit the model using Multiple Linear Regression 

Here, using all the variables to fit the model might not give a good accuracy, because, there could be some variables that are not significant or correlated with the response variable and hence might not add a lot of value in the prediction.
Hence, there are multiple different approaches to find the highly correlated variables that contribute for building an appropriate model.
  1. Use All   -  Use all the variables to predict the response variable, eliminate them based on the significance P-Value
  2. Stepwise Regression -
    1. Backward Elimination : Below steps are followed to build a model using Backward Elimination process
      1. Select Significant level ( P- Value ) - ( 0.5 - 5 ) %
      2. Fit the model
      3. Remove variables that higher than P-Value ( least significant one by one )
      4. Fit the model
      5. Continue the process until you find all the variables that are highly correlated with Response variable

  1. Forward Selection :
    1. Select Significant level ( P- Value ) - ( 0.5 - 5 ) %
    2. Fit the model with first variable
    3. Remove / include the variables that less than P-Value ( highly significant variables one by one)
    4. Fit the model
    5. Continue the process until you find all the variables that are highly correlated with Response variable

  1. Score Comparison - Compare the scores of P-Values for eliminating the variables one by one.
  2. Select Goodness of Fit ( Akaike Information Criteria ) : StepAIC method to find the right set of variables that are highly significant for building a model.

You can find the code at GitHub

Looking at the code in R :- 

# Multiple Linear Regression
# Created by Deepak Pradeep Kumar

#Setting working directory

setwd("<<Set Your Folder here>>")

# Importing the dataset
dataset = read.csv("50_Startups.csv")

#Encoding the Categorical variable
dataset$State = factor(dataset$State,
                       levels = c('New York','California','Florida'),
                       labels = c(1,2,3))

# Splitting the dataset into trainingset and testset
split = sample.split(dataset$Profit, SplitRatio = 0.8)
trainingset = subset(dataset, split == TRUE)
testset = subset(dataset, split == FALSE)

# Feature Scaling is not needed as it will take care of Fit function that we use.
# Fitting Multiple Linear Regression to training set

regressor = lm(formula = Profit ~ R.D.Spend + Administration + Marketing.Spend + State,
               data = trainingset)


#Removing Administration and Fitting the model
regressor1 = lm(formula = Profit ~ R.D.Spend  + Marketing.Spend + State,
               data = trainingset)


#Removing State and Fitting the model 
#Ideally, we add Administration back and remove only state and fit the model. In this case, it is fine to remove both the variables
regressor2 = lm(formula = Profit ~ R.D.Spend + Marketing.Spend,
               data = trainingset)


#Removing Marketing Spend and also and Fitting the model
regressor3 = lm(formula = Profit ~ R.D.Spend,
               data = trainingset)


# Backward Elimination using StepAIC method
# Use this method immediately after Fitting the model

# Predicting the TEST SET Results
y_predictor = predict(regressor, newdata = testset)

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Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression is a process that uses multiple explanatory variables to predict the outcome of a response variable . The pu...