Thursday, August 8, 2019

Regression Analysis with Simple Linear Regression

Regression analysis is defined as applying a set of statistical processes to estimate the relationship between variables. Many techniques are involved in modeling and analyzing these variables.
Regression analysis helps us understand how the values of dependent variables changes when there's a variation in 
any of the independent variables while dealing with multiple independent variables.

We can even understand the variation trend of dependent variables by slightly varying any one of the independent variables and keeping others fixed.

Let’s start with Simple Linear Regression and proceed further with multiple linear regression.

Simple Linear Regression :

As mentioned before, Simple Linear Regression is a process of regression in finding relationship of dependent and independent continuous quantitative variables.  It is called Simple because there's only one independent / explanatory or predictor variable that is used to predict the relationship dependency

In "Multiple" Linear regression, two or more independent variables are used to predict the dependency of a Response variable.

Simple Linear Regression is represented by the formula Y = β0 + β1* X + Ɛ

Here,  β1 is the independent ( explanatory ) variable and Y is the dependent variable. That means, the slight variation of independent variable ( β1 ) will result in variation of predictor (  β0 ) variable.

Identifying / estimating the Correlation & Co-variance between these two variables by regression is defined as the relationship between these two variables.

Covariance shows the direction of the relationship between these variables

Correlation shows the strength of the relationship between these variables.

Covariance, as name suggests, shows how the dependent variable varies when the independent variable is varied.

Let us consider an equation y = mx + c

y = mx + c is an equation of a straight line and the direction of variation on y can be measured by the variation that happens on x.

Lets consider a sample data set of temperature in Fahrenheit v/s heartbeat. ( for the sake of simplicity, I have considered only male data to ignore gender column from the dataset )

beats per minute

Now, here Y = beats per minute & X = temperature.

To understand the covariance, let's take the mean of X & Y

Sample mean of Y Ymean = 98.2 degrees.  With the formula provided here
Sample mean of X Xmean = 75.4 degrees.
Understanding the deviation of each observation from the mean Yi & Xi and taking the product.

Product = ( Yi - Ymean ) * ( Xi - Xmean )

Yi - Ymean
Xi - Xmean
( Yi - Ymean ) ( Xi - Xmean )

Plotting the graph with X & Y coordinates and understanding the linear relationship between X & Y as follows :

If the plotted points are in 1st and 3rd Quadrant  -> relationship is positive, i.e.,  if X increases, Y also increases
If the plotted points are in 2nd and 4th Quadrant -> relationship is negative, i.e., if X increases, Y decreases.

Hence, covariance of the variables can be defined as :-

Understanding the covariance between Y & X will provide the direction of how the variables are related to each other.

Substituting the values of the above table in Covariance formula :

COV(Y, X) =  ((98.4 - 98.21)(84-75.4)+(98.4-98.21)(82-75.4)+98 - 98.21)(78-75.4)+……)/ ( 15 - 1))
COV(Y, X) =  13.42000 / 14
COV(Y, X) =  0.9585 * 100 = 95.85%

If Cov(Y,X)  > 0  then we can understand that Y & X are positively correlated  if Cov(Y,X)  < 0 then Y & X have negative relationship.

With this, we can understand that the direction for Y & X is positive

Understanding the Covariance, we can derive the Correlation of the variables :-

Correlation can be defined as :

Where Sy & Sx are the standard deviations of Y & X respectively.

Substituting the Covariance and Standard Deviation :-

COR(Y, X) =  0.9585 / ( 0.75 * 12.10)
COR(Y, X) =  0.1059 * 100 = 10.59 %

This indicates the strength of variables - for every unit increase in X there will be a 10.59% increase in Y.

Standardizing the Data

Standardizing the data means, If the data of Y & X are ranging between thousands of units and they can't be compared or plotted in a graph, these numbers will be standardized based on certain rules.
  1. Subtract the observations from mean value.
  2. Divide each observation by standard deviation  ( check here for standard deviation )

Standardizing Y & X, we will arrive at the above mentioned formula for Correlation.

Correlation can be defined as Covariance between the standardized variables or the ratio of the Covariance to the standard deviation of the two variables.

Calculating the Correlation, result lies between -1 & +1

-1 <= COR ( Y,X ) <=  +1

Hence, these properties make the correlation of Y & X ( Response & Independent variables ) a useful quantity for measuring the direction and strength of the relationship between variables.

More the Cor(Y,X) towards +1, relationship between Y & X is said to be stronger and vice versa.

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